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They call me Flowers


Artist at heart, equipped with 4 years of award winning experience & a B.A in Graphic Design from AppState, I confidently can say, our work is alluring. By day I serve as an Art Director in Charlotte, NC at a small Ad Agency, Mythic. On other occasions you can find me at the courts with stonewall sports Charlotte, helping out at Time Out Youth or catching the latest superhero movies.

I balanced my day job with my personal business Graphic Siren, I work with a multitude of clients everyday, to include Automotive, Credit Card, Food Service, Multi-Family & Performance Art. The vast client experience has enlightened me to get direct messaging towards a wide audience. I crave to always learn in this industry and constantly produce cool projects, from current & emerging brands.

My creative approach—no matter the client—is lure out exactly what they are trying to communicate. Behind every beautiful creation is an idea. A great campaign doesn’t just look good, it speaks a truth in creating a fantasy.